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Farm-City Dinner Set for Tuesday in Martinsburg
Legislative Action Committee to Discuss 2013 Priorities
Congressman Shuster to Speak at November “Breakfast Club"
Chamber Debate, Early Childhood Summit to Air on Public Access
WE-LEaD Networking Event to Be Held at Marzoni’s
“Role Models” Program to Feature Local Business Leaders
Inexpensive Opportunities Available to Sponsor Television Programs
Informational Meeting on China Trip is November 7th
Regional Business & Industry Expo Next Thursday at Bryce Jordan Center
“Buy Here. Live Here.” to Undertake Strategic Planning
Chamber Co-Sponsoring Seminar on Small Games of Chance
Reserve Your Booth Early for Home & Garden Show
Congratulations . . .
Blue Card Discounts

Farm-City Dinner Set for Tuesday in Martinsburg
The Blair County Chamber’s Farm-City Dinner will be held this Tuesday, October 30th beginning with a Milk-Punch Reception at 6:30 p.m. and a family-style turkey dinner at 7:00. Highlighting the evening will be a keynote by Chris Brand of Giant Food Store, LLC followed by the presentation of the 2012 Agricultural Community Excellence (ACE) Award to Kelly Ritchey. Tickets are no longer being sold for this event.

Legislative Action Committee to Discuss 2013 Priorities
When The Chamber’s Legislative Action Committee meets on Thursday morning at the Devorris Center, a key agenda item will be the discussion of the legislative issues that will form the basis of The Chamber’s 2013 Legislative Priorities. “While many of the issues remain on the list from one year to the next, there are always new concerns that bubble-up when we look at the impact that they have on the business community,” believes Committee Chair Matt Stuckey. “It’s a growing list.” Any Chamber Member interested in providing input related to the priorities list should contact Joe Hurd at 943-8151.
Congressman Shuster to Speak at November “Breakfast Club"
Congressman Bill Shuster will be the keynote speaker at the next Chamber “Breakfast Club,” to be held Wednesday, November 7th beginning at 7:45 a.m. at The Casino at Lakemont Park. The event will double as an economic summit, co-sponsored by The Chamber, Altoona-Blair County Development Corporation and Explore Altoona (formerly the Allegheny Mountains Convention & Visitors Bureau).  The Congressman will talk about the outcome of the Presidential election and what that outcome is likely to mean to the business community. The cost to attend is $16.00/person. All non-Chamber members must pay in advance. A buffet breakfast is included in the cost. Corporate sponsor for the Breakfast Club is Lytle EAP Partners. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online.  

Chamber Debate, Early Childhood Summit to Air on Public Access
The dates and times have been established for the airing of The Chamber’s Legislative Debate between Democrat Richard Flarend and Republican John McGinnis for the 79th District seat in the PA House of Representatives as well as the airing of The Chamber’s Summit on Early Childhood Education, held September 28th at The Casino at Lakemont Park. The debate will run on Altoona Public Access Channel 14 on October 31st at 9:00 p.m. and November 1st at 7:00 p.m. The Early Childhood event will run on November 1st at 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.; and on November 3rd at 8:00 a.m., also on Channel 14.

WE-LEaD Networking Event to Be Held at Marzoni’s
The Chamber’s Women Encouraging: Leadership, Education and Development (WE-LEaD) program will hold a networking event on Monday, November 5th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Marzoni’s in Duncansville. Corporate hosts for the event are Tammy Kehr and Lisa Mancinelli of State Farm Insurance. The cost to attend is $15 for Chamber Members and $30 for non-members. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online.
“Role Models” Program to Feature Local Business Leaders
The Chamber’s newest educational program – “Role Models” – will debut on November 15th from noon to 1:30 p.m. at The Blairmont Club by featuring two of Blair County’s most esteemed business leaders. Donald Devorris of Blair Companies and John Wolf of Wolf Furniture Company will answer questions from attendees related to their business careers and will provide insight into what has worked (and not worked) during their many years in building and maintaining a business. The cost to attend is just $25 for Chamber Members and $35 for non-members and includes lunch. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online.
Inexpensive Opportunities Available to Sponsor Television Programs
The Chamber is featuring a number of informative programs during the next three months that will also give members an opportunity to get the name of their business or organization in front of the viewing public in an inexpensive way. On November 28th, two half-hour “Blair County: It’s Our Business” programs will tape for airing on the Altoona Public Access Channel in December. One program will be on local manufacturing; the other on local insurance. The panel discussion format will be moderated by WTAJ’s Carolyn Donaldson. On December 17th, two more BCIOB programs – one on local retail and the other on local restaurants will tape for airing in January. The cost for a business to sponsor a “Blair County: It’s Our Business” program is just $100. A business or organization can sponsor all four BCIOB programs for just $300. To sponsor, contact Joe Hurd at 943-8151.

Informational Meeting on China Trip is November 7th
The Chamber’s next trip to China is set for April 12-20 and the deadline for registration and payment in full is December 14th. While many people have already paid the $200 deposit to secure a spot on the trip, many have made inquiries and still others are looking for more information. That information, in the form of a Q&A meeting, will next take place on Wednesday, November 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the Devorris Center for Business Development. Joe Hurd and Jessica Meck from The Chamber and David Kimmel from Penn State Altoona – all of whom traveled on last November’s Trip to China – will be on-hand to answer any questions about the trip and to distribute materials including the trip’s itinerary. There is no cost to attend the meeting and no obligation to make a commitment for the April trip. For more information, contact The Chamber at 943-8151. Pre-registration for the meeting is recommended but not required.

Regional Business & Industry Expo Next Thursday at Bryce Jordan Center
The Blair County Chamber will participate in the Regional Business & Industry Expo, set for next Thursday, November 8th from 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College. There is no cost to attend the Expo as an attendee. New features to this year's Expo are the Networking Pavillion where attendees can meet with decision makers who are looking to do business with you! There will be a series of Speed Networking and Ask the Expert sessions where you can improve, connect, and grow your business; County Cuisine allows the attendees to experience Central PA's local flavor. Area food service providers will have samples of their menus prepared for you to enjoy; Thriller Thrive will celebrate Central PA's First Responders with a fantastic fundraising event. 

“Buy Here. Live Here.” to Undertake Strategic Planning
The Chamber’s Buy Here. Live Here. program has made great strides since its kickoff in March. What the program is able to accomplish in the future will be the focus of a strategic planning effort to be undertaken within the next month. Facilitated by David Duncan of Blair Medical Associates, the process requires feedback from interested Chamber members. If you are a member of The Chamber and are willing to share your thoughts on local purchasing, contact Joe Hurd at 943-8151.

Chamber Co-Sponsoring Seminar on Small Games of Chance
The Blair County Chamber is partnering with State Senator John Eichelberger on a seminar which will focus on the rules and regulations surrounding Small Games of Chance in Pennsylvania. The seminar will be held on Monday, November 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the Saint Rose of Lima School Hall, 5519 Sixth Avenue in Altoona. Guest presenter will be Sgt. James Jones of the PA State Police’s Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement. “So many of our Chamber Members, particularly our many non-profit organizations, rely on small games of chance to stay alive financially,” disclosed Chamber President Joe Hurd. “It’s important that they know and understand how to remain in compliance with state regulations.” There is no cost to attend the seminar but registration is encouraged. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151.

Reserve Your Booth Early for Home & Garden Show
Although the Blair County Home & Garden Show will not take place until March 1, 2 and 3 of next year, the committee overseeing that event has already started the booth selection process.  Unsecured booths have been made available to new exhibitors. To reserve a booth, contact Stacy Hoover at 943-8151 or email her. The show is also accepting applications from vendors for the Home Treasures room. Home Treasures offers a boutique-type setting that will feature home interior items, candles, spices, hand-crafted items and much more. Booth payments can be made with cash, check, Discover Card, Master Card or VISA. The Blair County Home & Garden Show is a partnership of the Blair County Chamber and the Blair-Bedford Builders Association.

Congratulations . . .
. . . to The Hite Company which was recently named as one of the Best Places to Work in Pennsylvania for 2012.  

Blue Card Discounts
Here are a few of the discounts you can receive with your Chamber Blue Card.
Click here to see the full list of Blue Card Discounts. To have an offer listed contact Stacy Hoover at The Chamber at 943-8151.    

Steve Seltzer Powersports

Present your Blue Card to receive half off of your Pennsylvania State Inpection for your motorcycle or motor scooter (Not off the sticker but the labor portion of your inspection.)  OR 15 percent off regularly-priced parts and accessory items OR receive a FREE gas can with your purchase of a Honda lawn mower, snow blower, tiller, generator or trimmer (A $25 to $40 value) OR an extra year of extended warranty with your purchase of a Honda motorcycle, Scooters or ATV. (Value of more than $200) 

Stuckey Ford & Stuckey Subaru

 Present your Chamber Blue Card to receive a FREE tire rotation ($14.95 value) with Oil and Filter Change at regular price. (Cars and Light Trucks only)

Sylvan Learning Center

 Present your Blue Card to receive a free diagnostic assessment and one free week upon enrollment.

Tammy Kehr, Agent - State Farm Insurance

Present your Blue Card to receive a FREE State Farm Insurance and Financial review. The review is your opportunity to look at your overall financial picture and protection needs, clarify your goals and help ensure all your immediate and long-term protection and planning needs are being met.

Teeter Group

 Present your Blue Card on your purchase of your business insurance through Penn National Insurance and (depending on total group premium and claims experience) you could earn an annual dividend.

 For more information, visit the website
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October 29, 2012

Upcoming Events

Register online  

WE-LEaD Networking

Monday, November 5, 2012
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Register Here

Breakfast Club

WEDNESDAY, November 7, 2012
7:45 - 9:00 a.m.

The Casino at Lakemont Park

Register Here

Regional Business & Industry Expo

Thursday, November 8, 2012
1:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Bryce Jordan Center
Role Models

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Noon - 1:30 p.m.

Blairmont Club

Register Here

Business After  Hours

Thursday, November 15, 2012
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

First National Bank
224 Allegheny St., Hollidaysburg

Register Here

Committee Meetings

Week of 10/29/12

Coalition on Sustainability
Tuesday, October 30, 10:00 a.m.
Devorris Center

Retail Roundtable
Wednesday, October 31, 8:15 a.m.
Devorris Center

Buy Here. Live Here. Committee
Wednesday, October 31, 10:00 a.m.
Devorris Center

Legislative Action Committee
Thursday, November 1, 8:00 a.m.
Devorris Center




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