Blair Business Mirror to be Published Tomorrow
GRYP Blood Drive is Wednesday at the Devorris Center`
Chamber Board to Begin Preparation for Self-Analysis
Afraid of OSHA? Program Will Ease Your Fears
GRYP to Hold “Game Night” at Buccinese Club
Economic Development Topic of LBC Adult Session
Annual Meeting to Focus on Importance of Committees
Annual Meeting Sponsorships Still Available
Television Program Recognizing Role of Young Professionals
Booth Space Still Available for the 44th Annual Blair County Home & Garden Show
Congratulations . . .
Blue Card Discounts
Blair Business Mirror to be Published Tomorrow
The January issue of the Blair Business Mirror will hit the streets tomorrow as a supplement to the Altoona Mirror. The cover story in tomorrow’s issue will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Blair County. Other features will include: A Q&A with Jane Sheffield of Allegheny Ridge Corporation, the announcement of the Athena Award recipient and a sneak-peak at the next “Role Models.” A copy of the Blair Business Mirror will be mailed to all Chamber member-businesses by the end of the week.
GRYP Blood Drive is Wednesday at the Devorris Center`
The Blair County Chamber of Commerce GRYP (Growth and Relationships of Young Professionals) program is teaming-up with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive on Wed., Jan. 15, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Devorris Center for Business Development, located at 3900 Industrial Park Drive, Altoona. All presenting donors will receive a promotional give-away. Donors can walk-in or reserve a time by calling Rachel Litzinger at the Blair County Chamber of Commerce at 943-8151.
Chamber Board to Begin Preparation for Self-Analysis
Although the Chamber’s Board of Directors will not hold a retreat until sometime in March, the process of looking at the future direction of the organization will begin at Thursday’s Board meeting. “There is groundwork to be done that will streamline the process,” admitted Board President Doug Mingle. “We want to be as prepared as possible so that no time is wasted.” The Board meets at 7:30 a.m. at the Devorris Center. Any Chamber Member wishing to address the Board, should contact Joe Hurd by Tuesday at noon at 943-8151.
Afraid of OSHA? Program Will Ease Your Fears
Like it or not, all businesses are expected to comply with a laundry list of OSHA safety standards. Often those standards change and the consequences for failing to understand and follow them can be catastrophic. For that reason, the Blair County Chamber’s Safety Committee periodically sponsors educational programming to help reduce the potential for bad outcomes when OSHA knocks at the door. This Friday, January 17th, that next educational program will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at The Casino at Lakemont Park. Dane Sprankle from the PA/OSHA Consultation Program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania will present, “OSHA Hot Topics – Don’t Get Burned!” Sprankle’s presentation will focus on frequently cited OSHA standards, OSHA Injury/Illness recording requirements, current regulatory issues and a look at the free assistance opportunities available through the PA/OSHA Consultation Program.The cost to attend the Safety Program is just $20 for Chamber Members and $30 for non-members. The cost includes a buffet breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or or register online.
GRYP to Hold “Game Night” at Buccinese Club
Back by popular demand, the Blair County Chamber of Commerce GRYP (Growth and Relationships of Young Professionals) program will hold its annual Game Night at the Buccinese Club located at 614 8th Ave., Altoona, this Thursday from 6-8 p.m. Game Night is a fun-filled networking event where young professionals can network while engaging in board game competitions. A light meal will be provided and a cash bar will be available. The event is free for current GRYP members and $5 for non-members. For more information or reservations contact Rachel Litzinger at the Blair County Chamber of Commerce at 943-8151, or register online.
Economic Development Topic of LBC Adult Session
Blair County’s economic development strategy encompasses a variety of industry sectors as well as the formation of valuable partnerships that make the process run more smoothly. That strategy will be the focus of Friday’s Economic Development session for the current Leadership Blair County class. The session will be held at the Devorris Center for Business Development. Among the speakers will be Patrick Miller of Altoona-Blair County Development Corporation and Lee Slusser of the City of Altoona. A panel discussion will be part of the session. Panelists will be Marty Marasco of ABCD Corporation, Susan Whisler of Southern Alleghenies Workforce Investment Board, Mark Ickes of EXPLORE Altoona and Phil Kulp of Kulp Family Dairy.
GRYP to Hold “Game Night” at Buccinese Club
Back by popular demand, the Blair County Chamber of Commerce GRYP (Growth and Relationships of Young Professionals) program will hold its annual Game Night at the Buccinese Club located at 614 8th Ave., Altoona, on January 16, from 6-8 p.m. Game Night is a fun-filled networking event where young professionals can network while engaging in board game competitions. A light meal will be provided and a cash bar will be available. The event is free for current GRYP members and $5 for non-members. For more information or reservations contact Rachel Litzinger at the Blair County Chamber of Commerce at 943-8151, or register online.
Annual Meeting to Focus on Importance of Committees
The Blair County Chamber’s Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation will not only recognize a number of individuals that have made significant impacts in the Blair County community, it will also pay tribute to the many Chamber committees that make similar impacts as well. “Our committees play a huge role in our success,” explained Doug Mingle of Roaring Spring Department Store who chairs the Chamber Board of Directors. This year’s Annual Meeting is set for January 31st at 7:30 a.m. at The Casino at Lakemont Park. The awards that will be presented at the Annual Meeting are: The Small Business Person of the Year, the Donna D. Gority Servant Leadership Award, the Joseph P. Rosenhamer Chamber Spirit Award and the GRYP Impact Award. The cost to attend the event is $20 for Chamber Members and $30 for non-members. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online.
Annual Meeting Sponsorships Available
The Blair County Chamber relies on its members to help sustain the financial obligations of the organization. Smart businesses see the opportunity to assist The Chamber while also gaining a marketing advantage through event sponsorship. Sponsorship opportunities for the Annual Meeting & Award Presentations are still available. Gold sponsorships are just $1,500; silver are $1,000 and bronze are $500. Let everyone know that your business supports the organization that is the “voice of business” in Blair County. Call Rachel Litzinger today at 943-8151 or email her at
Television Program Recognizing Role of Young Professionals
The Chamber’s “Issues” program is being aired on the Altoona Public Access Channel. It focuses attention on The Chamber’s Growth and Relationships of Young Professionals (GRYP) program. That program, created by The Chamber, is currently in its 10th year. “The Essential Role of Blair County’s Young Professionals” is the title of this 35-minute panel discussion show that is moderated by Carolyn Donaldson of WTAJ Your News Leader. Panelists are: Amanda Drumm of Saint Francis University, Pam Jones of Net Health Solutions, Mandy Lauber of Preferred Healthcare System, Ban Mazur of Intelmarx and Andrew Snare of S&T Bank. Sponsors for this “Issues” are: Juniata College, Keystone Environmental, Health & Safety Services, Lee Industries, Reliance Bank, S&T Bank and UPMC Altoona. The Issues program will air every Monday at 9:00 p.m. and every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. throughout January.
Booth Space Still Available for the 44th Annual Blair County Home & Garden Show
The Blair County Chamber of Commerce and the Blair Bedford Builders Association have announced that booths are available for the 44th Annual Blair County Home & Garden Show to be held February 28, March 1, & 2, 2014 at the Jaffa Shrine in Altoona. Exhibitor booth space is now open for businesses interested in showcasing their home or garden business. The Show is also accepting applications from vendors for the Home Treasures room. Home Treasures offers a boutique type setting that will feature home interior items, candles, spices, hand-crafted items, and much more. To reserve booths, or for more information, call Stacy Hoover at The Chamber, 814-943-8151.
Congratulations . . .
. . . to Jim Brown, President of J.R. Brown Construction, who was recently elected secretary of the Pennsylvania Builders Association. In his role, Brown will serve on the PBA’s Board of Directors and will serve as a liaison to all coalitions and task forces of which PBA is a member.
. . . to Galliker Dairy of Johnstown, which has been named Dairy of the Year by the Dairy Division of American Dairy Queen Corporation. The award is one of several presented annually to recognize partners that provide excellent service and support to the more than 4,000 Dairy Queen and DQ Chill & Grill locations in the United States.
Blue Card Discounts
Here are a few of the discounts you can receive with your Chamber Blue Card. Click here to see the full list of Blue Card Discounts. To have an offer listed contact The Chamber at 943-8151.
Foxtrot Runners, Inc.
Show your Chamber Member Blue Card at checkout and receive 10% off each individual pair of shoes.
Green Home Goods, Inc.
Present your Blue Crad to receive a 10% off eco-friendly gifts and accessories, and discounts on eco-flooring & furniture.
Indoff - Lori Beck
Present your Blue Card to receive a free box of letter size, 1/3 cut, manila folders (item # UNV-12113). Excludes ink and toner purchases.
Mattress World
Present your Blue Card to receive 10% off Simmons Beautyrest, Simmons True Energy, Simmons Work Class, Simmons Comfortpedic, Simmons Beautyrest Black, Laura Ashley, or King Koil I-Matt series products.
Reiki Center for Body and Mind, Inc.
Present your Chamber Blue Card to receive 20% off your first Reiki Session or Massage Therapy Session.
For more information, visit the website
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January 13, 2014
Upcoming Events
Register online
GRYP Networking - Game Night
Thursday, January 16, 2014
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Buccinese Society
Register Here
Safety Workshop
Friday, January 17, 2014
7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
The Casino at Lakemont Park
Register Here
Business After Hours
Thursday, January 23, 2014
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Mimosa Courtyard Inn Bed & Breakfast
Register Here
Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation
Friday, January 31, 2014
7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
The Casino at Lakemont Park
Register Here
Committee Meetings
Week of 1/13/2014
BASICS Steering Committee
Monday, January 13th, 8:00 a.m.
LBC Alumni Committee
Tuesday, January 14th, 7:30 a.m.
Reliance Bank - Lakemont
GRYP Steering Committee
Tuesday, January 14th, 8:15 a.m.
Tom & Joe's
Home & Garden Show Committee
Tuesday, January 14th, 8:30 a.m.
The Chamber
Chamber Board Finance Committee
Tuesday, January 14th, 1:00 p.m.
The Chamber
Executive Roundtable
Wednesday, January 15th, 7:30 a.m.
The Blairmont Club
WE-LEaD Steering Committee
Wednesday, January 15th, 8:00 a.m.
The Chamber
Chamber Foundation Board
Wednesday, January 15th, 8:00 a.m.
Devorris Center
Golf Committee
Wednesday, January 15th, 9:00 a.m.
The Chamber
LBC Youth Committee
Wednesday, January 15th, 3:30 p.m.
The Chamber
Chamber Board of Directors
Thursdday, January 16th, 7:30 a.m.
Devorris Center

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