WE-LEaD to Hold Networking Event
Highmark/Chamber Golf Classic Winners Announced
Chamber’s Board of Directors to Meet Thursday
Leadership Adult Class to Experience Session #8
Young Professionals Seeking Help to Construct “Born Learning Trail”
Time Running Out to Redeem Your “Buy Here Bucks”
Chamber to Hold Informational Meeting on Russia Trip
Home Run for Safety Set for June 5
Congratulations . . .
WE-LEaD to Hold Networking Event
The Blair County Chamber of Commerce WE-LEaD (Women Encouraging – Leadership, Education and Development) committee will host a networking event on Monday, May 20th, from 5 - 7 p.m., at Park Hills Golf Club. The event is sponsored by AnswerLinks. The cost to attend is $20 for Chamber Members and $40 for non-members and includes hot hors d’oeuvres and two complimentary beverage tickets. To register, contact The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online.
Highmark/Chamber Golf Classic Winners Announced
The Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield/Chamber Golf Classic was held on May 6th at Iron Masters Country Club. A full complement of 144 golfers participated under sunny skies, low humidity and no threat of the Chamber’s usual combination of cold and wet. The winning foursome in the “A” Group was: Nick Gates, Mark Condrin, Mike Macionsky and Chuck Meyers. In the “B” Group, the winners were: Ray Eckenrode, Dan Slep, Pete Berzonsky and Dick Snyder. The Skill Contest winners were: David Guyer, Wendy Pelky, Richard Fiore, Jr., Chuck Meyers, Kelly Steele, Josh Dasilko and Dave Luther.
Chamber’s Board of Directors to Meet Thursday
The Board of Directors of the Blair County Chamber will meet Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at the Devorris Center for Business Development. The Board continues to focus much of its efforts on Membership Retention and is also an integral part of the process of determining the most effective ways of promoting Chamber programs and events through website and social media. For more information or to address the Board at Thursday’s meeting, contact Joe Hurd by noon Tuesday at (814) 943-8151.
Leadership Adult Class to Experience Session #8
The 2019 Leadership Blair County Adult Class will do a series of mini-projects in the local community as part of Session #8. The class will also hear a presentation from developer Jeff Long on the Greystone Grand Palazzo project and will be introduced to “Future Search.” For more information on the Leadership Blair County program, contact the Chamber at (814) 943-8151 or visit the Chamber Website.
Young Professionals Seeking Help to Construct “Born Learning Trail”
The Chamber’s Young Professionals of Blair County is seeking volunteers (preferably other young professionals) to help construct a “Born Learning Trail” at Lakemont Park. The project, under the auspices of United Way of Blair County, will be constructed on May 21st beginning at 4:30 p.m. The construction should take only a few hours. The rain date is the following day at the same time. It is not necessary to pre-register to help – just show-up!
Time Running Out to Redeem Your “Buy Here Bucks”
A Chamber initiative created to encourage greater sales of products and services at local retailers and hospitality businesses has been discontinued. The “Buy Here Bucks” gift certificate program, which began a little more than a year ago, fell short of expectations both in terms of participation and financial viability. Anyone who has purchased “Buy Here Bucks” can still redeem them at the businesses that accept them (that list is on the Chamber Website at www.blairchamber.com) until midnight on May 24, 2019. For more information, contact the Chamber at (814) 943-8151.
Chamber to Hold Informational Meeting on Russia Trip
The Blair County Chamber’s first trip in 2020 will be to a destination that carries a high degree of history and intrigue as well as considerable beauty. “Imperial Russia” will depart from the Blair County Chamber’s parking lot on April 23rd and will return to that same location on May 1st. The Chamber is partnering with two of its members – Dream Vacations and Collette – to offer the nine-day trip, which begins in Moscow and concludes in St. Petersburg. Among the attractions included are the Kremlin, the Armoury and Hermitage Museums, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Red Square and Catherine Palace. There will be a boat cruise on the Moscow River and an opportunity to travel via the stunning Moscow Metro System. Travelers will also ride through the historic streets of St. Petersburg in a vintage Soviet car. The double occupancy price of anyone who books the trip prior to September 24th is $3,889. After that, it’s $200 more. Airfare is included in the price. The Chamber will hold an informational meeting on the Imperial Russia trip on May 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at the Devorris Center for Business Development. There is no cost or obligation to attend but those who plan to be there should contact Marilyn at the Chamber at (814) 943-8151.
Home Run for Safety Set for June 5
The Blair County Chamber of Commerce Safety Committee will hold a Home Run for Safety event on Wednesday, June 5, 7:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., at Peoples Natural Gas Field, home of the Altoona Curve. The event will include a keynote speaker and breakout sessions led by representatives from local and regional companies will be of interest to employees of all levels of an organization in their quest for safety excellence. The cost to attend the event at the Spring Training Early Discount is $20 for Chamber Members and $30 for non-members. The Spring Training Early Discount expires on May 17. After May 17, the cost to attend is $30 for Chamber Members and $40 for non-members. A continental breakfast is included. To register, call The Chamber at 943-8151 or register online. Reservations are also being accepted for vendor booths. This is a great opportunity for any business that offers safety or OSHA-related products or services. Time will be set aside for attendees to visit booths. Vendor booths will include two event tickets. The cost for vendor booths is $50 - Spring Training Discount (Reserved by May 17), reserve a booth after May 17 - $75. For more information contact Stacy Hoover at the Chamber, 943-8151.
Congratulations . . .
. . . to Scott Hileman, Neil Hollander, Brian Ickes and George Mansfield, who were recently promoted to the position of senior vice-president of Altoona Pipe & Steel Company.
. . . to the following Blair County Chamber members who were named by Pennsylvania Business Central magazine as one of the “Top 20 Non-Profit Female Leaders:? Rebecca Aungst of Skills of Central Pennsylvania, Cathy Griffith of The Greg and Cathy Griffith Family Foundation and Jean Johnstone of Catholic Charities.
. . . to Joanne Peca, Penn State Altoona’s Chief Information Officer, who was recently recognized by the Pittsburgh Technology Council as the 2019 non-profit sector “CIO of the Year.”
. . . to Attorney Michael Routch of QuatriniRafferty, who was certified as an “Injured Worker Specialist.” Routch manages the firm’s Altoona Office.

Power Card Offers: They’re Changing Every Day
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May 13, 2019
Upcoming Events
WE-LEaD Networking
Monday, May 20
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Park Hills Golf Club
Register Here
Business After Hours
Thursday, May 30
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Hillview Healthcare And Rehabilitation Center
Register Here
Home Run for Safety
Wednesday, June 5
7:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
PNG Field
Register Here
Non-Profit Best Practices
Friday, June 7
8:15 - 9:45
Devorris Center for Business Development
Register Here
Breakfast Club
Thursday, June 13
7:45 - 9:00 a.m.
The Casino at Lakemont Park
Register Here
Business Excellence Dinner
Tuesday, June 25
5:30 p.m. - Reception
6:45 p.m. - Dinner
The Casino at Lakemont Park
Register Here
Business After Hours
Thursday, June 27
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Presbyterian Homes
Register Here
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Week of 5/13/19
BASICS Steering Committee
Monday, May 13, 8:00 a.m.
BASICS Career Fair Subcommittee
Monday, May 13, 1:30 p.m.
Devorris Center
Chamber Finance Subcommittee
Monday, May 13, 3:00 p.m.
The Chamber
LBC Alumni Committee
Tuesday, May 14, 7:30 a.m.
Reliance Bank, Lakemont
Chamber Foundation Board
Wednesday, May 15, 8:00 a.m.
Devorris Center
Small Business Partners Committee
Wednesday, May 15, 3:30 p.m.
The Chamber
Chamber Board of Directors
Thursday, May 16, 7:30 a.m.
Devorris Center
Farm-City Committee
Thursday, May 16, Noon
Marzoni's Duncansville
Workplace Wellness Committee
Friday, May 17, 10:00 a.m.
Devorris Center
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